I vigneti storici dei Campi Flegrei

I vigneti storici dei Campi Flegrei

I vigneti storici dei Campi Flegrei La fama dei vini flegrei è ormai consolidata ben oltre i confini regionali, sono molti infatti i vigneti storici presenti sul nostro territorio; ma cosa sono i vigneti storici? E cosa li rende così speciali? La...
Wine, history and myth – Enological Tour

Wine, history and myth – Enological Tour

Wine, history and myth A suggestive and historic vineyard on the Averno Lake, where grows typical and unique Phlegraean Falanghina, which takes its taste just from the sulphurous land. The vineyard on the Averno is a journey over the eno-gastronomy. The tour is a real...
Wine and Nature – Enological Tour

Wine and Nature – Enological Tour

Wine and Nature A visit through the suggestive vineyard of Agnano hill. Not only a walk through typical Phlegraean vineyards, but also a full immersion on the production of wines, which gives value and cheer the cuisine in the Land of Myths. The itinerary shows all...